Our Story

New Church is a dynamic and vibrant church making an impact both in people's lives and our communities. 

We Are...

We are dedicated to delivering timeless truths based on God's Word, while ushering people into His presence through inspired praise and worship. We are real people infused with dynamic faith, committed to a common vision, joined together in the covenant love of our Creator. 

We Seek...

We seek to experience the Spirit of God, embrace the lost, and build strong lives for the Kingdom.  We seek to unify the body of Christ by embracing diversity.

Our purpose is to Serve God and Serve People.

We Used To Be...

We used to be completely broken but are now grateful for undeserved redemption, astonished by amazing Grace, healed by forgiveness and humbled by the divine invitation to be included in the greatest cause on earth. 

While our worship services offer a vital opportunity to experience His presence and truth, we are committed to developing smaller relational environments that give you the opportunity to connect with other believers, discover your gifts and God's destiny for your life, and grow in Him.